Fit for the Master’s Use: A Glimpse into the 34th Mt. Hermon Seniors’ Retreat

Amber Dorothy Caritan

May 13, 2024 / Features / English High School

Amidst all the lessons, homeworks, projects, and deadlines, the senior high school students found the opportunity to unwind and bond with their batchmates during the 34th Mt. Hermon Seniors’ Retreat, held in Word of Life, Calauan, Laguna, where the students were able to grow spiritually, learn many things, have fellowship with the teachers and fellow students, and create lasting memories.

Before making their way to the camp location, the students and teachers had the chance to explore various parts of the University of the Philippines Los Baños campus. This proved to be a valuable opportunity for the students to catch a glimpse of university life, offering them a chance to envision what it would be like to study at this prestigious institution. The students visited the Anatomy Museum, the Parasite Collection, and Reference Center at the College of Veterinary Medicine. The students were mesmerized as they looked at the different displays and learned new things. The group also explored the Center for Agri-Fisheries, and Biosystems Mechanization (BIOMECH), and the Makiling Botanical Gardens.

Upon reaching the camp, many students were reminded of their experiences from previous retreats and were looking forward to the events planned for this retreat. The campers felt truly blessed as they listened to distinguished speakers emphasizing the theme "Fit for the Master's Use: Holding fast in what is good, being patient in tribulation, rejoicing in eternal hope, and remaining steadfast in prayer until Christ returns." The general sessions featured Dr. Christine Tan, Dr. James Tan, Dr. Anacleto Carag, Rev. Eduardo Canlas, and Min. Rachel Joy Lao as speakers. The retreat also included workshops that covered both spiritual and practical aspects of life, with speakers such as Dr. James Tan, Mr. Archie Yao, Dr. Anacleto Carag, and Mrs. Josephine Sy Tan. In addition, the students were able to ask the speakers many questions during the open forum.

Apart from the informative sessions and engaging workshops, the teachers also prepared fun activities and events to make the retreat more memorable. The students got to put their teamwork and cooperative skills to the test through the organized games. The competitive spirit was definitely in the air as each student cheered for their team. Furthermore, the campers showcased their creativity, talent, and wit during Talent’s Night as they prepared performances based on Romans 12:12. One of the highlights of the retreat was the campfire and testimonials night. Everyone roasted marshmallows and hotdogs as they sang praises to God and reflected on the valuable lessons that they have learned during the retreat. It was definitely a night to remember. The upcoming Grade 12 students can expect to have an enjoyable, meaningful, and insightful experience at the Seniors’ Retreat. Students will have the chance to listen to inspiring speakers, dedicate their lives to the Lord for His glory, and strengthen their faith alongside their classmates. There are also many activities that await students at the retreat. Joining the spiritual retreat is a great way to take a break from the hustle and bustle of senior high school life and connect with other students at the camp.

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