The Big Lion and the Small Cat

Gabrielle Evey Que

April 14, 2024 / Literary / English High School

In a forest full of green trees, a lion ruled. The lion was a popular kind in the jungle. He was feisty and mighty. Anyone who approached him cower in fear. He wasn’t as approachable as the cat. The cat wasn’t as approachable as the lion, but many came to the cat for help in different problems. He helped the shy mouse overcome his fear of socializing with other animals. When the mouse insisted he treat him to tea, the cat refused, saying it’s his pleasure to help. After some time, the lion grew tired of ruling. One day, an idea popped into the lion’s head. He mightily roared and all the animals come running to him.

“I ask for an opponent to challenge the throne! Though I’m quite sure no one could topple me!”the lion said, laughing at his own proposal and thinking no one would want to try.

“I’d like to try,”a tiny voice said, coming from none other than the cat. The lion was skeptical. He sees the cat as an insult to his strength. On the other hand, it is the best way to show the jungle who is the strongest and most worthy of the throne. Feeling a rush of excitement, he readily agreed to the challenger.

“After all, what would a tiny cat have to defeat a big lion?”the lion muttered to himself, A rare flower that is rarely seen is the subject of the competition. The lion and the cat would have to go through the deepest part of the jungle and bring back the said flower.

“First one who gets it and brings it back here, is the winner! And…go!”yelled the mouse and the competitors took off.

The cat knew so well where the flower was located. The lion couldn’t figure it out. He remembered those countless days of sleeping and staying at his den which made him regret not taking walks around the area more. After hours of searching, the lion got incredibly annoyed that he couldn’t seem to find where the flower was. Suddenly, he thought of an evil plan and managed to find the mouse scurrying around.

“If you don’t tell me where this flower is, I shall have no choice but to have you as my dinner for today!”the lion said, drooling at the very thought with a great appetite to eat.

The mouse, not wanting to get eaten, led the lion to the place. The cat, on the other hand, seemed to find his way easily through the forests as he always went around, looking for any animal in need of help. Eventually, they both found the flower through a hole that could barely fit the lion. Surprisingly, the cat seemed calm and collected as he observed his opponent’s next course of action. The lion got excited and without thinking, launched himself through the hole. He got stuck!

“I never thought he would fall for that. I’ll call the other animals to get him out after,”the cat thought to himself. He had already figured out how there might be a space to get in and out, if the lion got stuck. The cat slipped in and out with the flower. The lion had to relinquish his throne to the cat, who never thought some animal as small and unpopular as him, would be able to defeat a big and popular lion.

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