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Victory by Grace "SPORTS"

Author: Gabrielle Evey Que
May 20, 2024 / Features / English High School

A lot of you have seen the tall and talented basketball players on television, or even in real life, dribbling, passing, and shooting the ball into the ring so effortlessly. Maybe at some point, you wondered how to be like those players. But never worry, the GCC Basketball Varsity got you!

The GCC Basketball Varsity is where students hone their athletic talents. The varsity is divided into… read more

May 13, 2024 / Features / English High School

Amidst all the lessons, homeworks, projects, and deadlines, the senior high school students found the opportunity to unwind and bond with their batchmates during the 34th Mt. Hermon Seniors’ Retreat, held in Word of Life, Calauan, Laguna, where the students were able to grow spiritually, learn many things, have fellowship with the teachers and fellow students, and create lasting memories.

Before… read more

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