"Integrating Academic Excellence with Biblical Truths To Produce Global Christian Leaders"

Brief History


was envisioned by our founder, Mrs. Julia L. Tan, in the 1980’s. After she started Grace Christian High School (GCHS) with Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Spahr in 1950, her fervent conviction to develop a complete educational experience for Grace Students from kindergarten, elementary, high school even through college became more intense. It would offer wholesome character, intellectual, social, physical, and spiritual training to the Grace community.

Now, the vision has become a reality. Under the leadership of Dr. James L. Tan, the Grace Christian College (GCC) opened its doors in June 2008. GCC aims to be a world-class global educational institution, training students who would be servant-leaders of tomorrow. With the recruitment of outstanding faculty with Doctoral and Masters degrees, development of up-to-date facilities and resources, linkages with foreign universities and corporations, GCC aims to produce Christian leaders of integrity, who will make a difference in the Philippines, Asia, and around the world.

Most significantly, as a Christ-centered institution of higher learning, GCC aims to integrate academic excellence with Biblical truths. Students of GCC will be introduced to God, the Creator of all things, and fountainhead of all knowledge and wisdom.


Fifty-eight (58) years after GCHS was born, the vision of Mrs. Julia L. Tan to expand the school into a college became a living reality. The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) officially approved the GCHS amended Constitution and By-laws last March 6, 2008. The seed that was planted added a new sturdy branch that has elevated Grace Christian High School to Grace Christian College. GCC aims to “integrate academic excellence with biblical truths to produce global Christian leaders.”

GCC went through years of labor pains before it finally came into being. There were papers to be approved by the SEC, curricula to be submitted to the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), high caliber faculty to be screened, and new facilities to be constructed. Classrooms at GCC are all wi-fi ready. Every classroom is provided with white board, LCD projector and is air-conditioned. Students will not need paper and pencil to take down notes. All of them will come to class with laptops.


As early as in its inception stage the Administration of GCC has already been thinking of innovations that will truly make the institution unique and attractive to its stakeholders. It was decided that GCC shall stand above other higher education institutions in the following aspects:

  • Strong Faculty. All faculty members shall have at least a masters degree. Also, all of them shall teach only their field of specialization.
  • Strong linkage with multinational companies. GCC believes that whatever students learn in the classroom is much more appreciated if supplemented by practical experiences gained in the workplace. At this stage, GCC has already Memorandum of Agreement various multinational companies.
  • Strong Partnership with international higher education institutions. GCC believes in global exposure of its faculty and students to make them more relevant to the challenges of change in the global community. This early GCC has already signed sister-school relationship with Basic Education Schools in Taiwan and Korea; Memorandum of Understanding Higher Education institutions in Taiwan and the U.S.A.
  • Strong interactive education via satellite. In this technological age of communication super highway, Grace Christian College believes education should take advantage of communication technology. If we cannot bring outstanding faculty of various disciplines to Grace Christian College physically due to time and financial constraint, we can bring them to students through internet, since all classrooms are equipped to access the internet.
  • Strong integration of academic excellence with biblical truths. Grace Christian College will be recognized not only for producing graduates who are top in academics, but who are also rooted in biblical truths and values. They shall be servant leaders of integrity, who consistently live for God, others and country.
  • Strong Center for Chinese Language and Culture (CCLC). GCC remembers its Chinese roots. It considers the fact that China is fast becoming an economic super power. Thus, the CCLC was established to cultivate its roots as well as to pave the opportunity to link with China’s leap to economic growth and political prominence. Graduates who can speak Mandarin will have an edge over their counterparts who cannot communicate the language. CCLC shall supervise and spearhead the offering of Mandarin as a required foreign language to regular students. It shall also offer conversational and business Mandarin on a shorter term to the community. Calligraphy, Chinese painting and literature will also be introduced.

All of the above features of GCC will enable our students and graduates to compete globally and to succeed. Indeed, the Vision Moves On until it reaches the farthest horizon!