College Recent News

College Achievers: Forging Forward

July 2024 / College

Approaching its 16th year of providing Higher Education, Grace Christian College has been blessed with graduates who have made a name in their respective…

Thankful for Host Training Institution

July 2024 / College

On-the-Job Training / Internship / Practicum – these are terms used for the program that helps prepare students for the professional environment…

GCC Students Set to Join International Summer Program in Taiwan

July 2024 / College

Two students from Grace Christian College qualified to join the International Summer Program of the Hungkuang University (HKU) in Taiwan.


GCC BSIT Department Keeps Abreast

May 2024 / College

In its efforts to ensure that faculty and students of GCC are updated with the latest developments in technology, the school took the opportunity…

Education Students Updated on the MATATAG Curriculum

April 2024 / College

On April 11, 2024 Bachelor in Secondary Education students from GCC joined teachers from Kinder to Grade 12 in attending the Seminar-Workshop at the…

Flexible Learning is In!

June 2020 / College

In response to the changing landscape in education, the College Department of Grace Christian College will be offering remote learning this coming…

College Old News


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